Definició de música

La música és física del so aplicada, operada des de la teoria de la informació. Aquesta informació s'entén com a un conjunt d'elements discrets (sons, afinacions de sons, harmònics, relacions de fase, equalitzacions...) que són percebuts com a estímuls pel nostre cervell, i que en si mateixos estan desposseïts de contingut semàntic. Així, en parlar d'estils musicals crec que és molt més correcte parlar de sistemes, subsistemes o conjunts de sistemes formats per sons discrets, més que de llenguatges. I compondre no és sinó generar noves seqüències d'ones.

dimarts, de maig 28, 2013

Information about the Trinity

Information about the Trinity.
A poem (not) by Lluís Paloma, "Patinet".

December 1969, David,
perform a lunchtime
immediately if the neutron
observed that the binding
into two daughter
energy results from
his visibility after a
duo in a 1971 acoustic
unlawful possession
concerned about accidental
masses of the fission
entirely not absorbed and
all of the rest of the
energy is needed in the
engineered but non-self-sustaining
wave upon their simultaneous
times its original
high probability that a gun
be surrounded by high
event is not fission to
a videographer during
operation, and the fissile
reactor in the world
known for being
parents to buy
compressors on everything to
instantly switch from
charge of the record department
before their operators
produce a powerful inward
hollow sphere of high
located that would guarantee
the event on film
public shortly after the
initial security checkpoints
before his death, which I know
ranks second in
the Trinity test bomb
which is home to several
farms, which were developed
to restructure usually water
productivity suite for both
owners to track where
possible a self-sustaining
fuel is millions of times
without neutron bombardment
importantly from other types
itself produced by prior
lobes have been pushed to
the short range strong
from the energy of the
geospatial solutions
operational within two years
make up for the massive amounts
from seasonal bush fires while
these are all thermonuclear
headquarters in
a play on words
allowing broadband carriers to control what
attempts to ensure that
Network neutrality is the principle that
Subscribing is more reliable.
What's that brilliant light?
Information about the Trinity.